
Pilosio ST50 table slab shoring

Products » Pilosio ST50 Board

Pilosio ST50 Board

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A modular system with large surface for slabs cast in place which can be handled by a compensator. The ST50 boards are suitable for casting monolithic slabs with large surfaces with standard and repetitive geometries. The low weight and large reinforced areas allow for high productivity. The ST50 boards consist of Four telescopic props (E-class, capacity from 40-74 kN) constrained to the two main wooden beams with a connection rotating head. The secondary frame consisting of PL20 beams and a counter casting surface in plywood or "yellow" panels is placed on the main beams. The translation of individual boards requires the use of an equalizing bar with only one lift of the crane.

Board Dimensions

2,5x5m; 2x5m; 2.5x4m; 2x4m.

Variable height depending on the prop

Pilosio ST50 Table Slab Shoring

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