
heavy duty aluminum shoring lightweight and durable

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12K Aluminum Shoring System


The 12K heavy duty aluminum shoring system is one third of the weight of the comparable load bearing steel frame and bears loads as high as 24,000 lbs (10,886.2 kg) with a safety factor of 2.5. Erection and dismantling is fast, easy and safe. Transportation, storage and handling cost are reduced because of their light weight and modular features which reduces the overall cost of forming. Aluminum frames are highly resistant to damage and have a long rust free service life with minimal maintenance.


  • High durability, low maintenance and handling costs.
  • Versatile combinations of screwjacks, base plates and extension tubes that can be added to the top or bottom of the frame or post shores to suit diverse applications
  • Light weight permits single person handling and set applications in difficult areas.
  • Gravity Locks make erection and dismantling fast, easy and safe.
  • Plates and nut handles are made of ductile iron which provides extra durability in extreme conditions such as a heavy shock and cold weather.

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